Being Enough

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Conscious Wealth


We host a video series where we dissect financial topics, share money moments, and more. Plus, we just like to have fun.

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Monthly Letters

Our monthly letters offer financial insight and Conscious Wealth wisdom to inform and delight. You may also receive our favorite recipe of the month or another personal nugget.

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Bridge Failures and Risk in a Portfolio

Bridge Failures and Risk in a Portfolio

May 22, 2024

My first job out of college was working on cruise ships. Not quite Julie of The Love Boat, I explored the Caribbean, Alaska, and Europe as a Youth Activities Director. It was by far one of the most adventurous and exciting times of my life. One day when we pulled into St. Maarten, there was a Royal Caribbean ship that had run aground dangerously close to nude bathers. At first glance,

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The Strong Dollar

The Strong Dollar

April 8, 2024

There is a scene in National Lampoon's European Vacation when, as Clark is ‘just getting the hang of this’ driving on the leñ side of the road thing, he hits an English cyclist. Clark jumps out of the car to help and brings out his wallet. The cyclist, played by actor and founding member of Monty Python, Eric Idle, declares, “Heaven's no, no need for money.” And with a nod to the epic Monty Python and the Holy Grail, follows up with, “It's just a flesh wound.”

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It is Winter 2023

It is Winter 2023

January 15, 2024

Our days are shorter, and our nights are longer. In times of darkness, gratitude is still present. When the things we love so much are not apparent, gratitude is still present. I think a lot about gratitude these days. My initial thoughts around gratitude were just that: How can I think about gratitude more? As I started to “master” the thinking of gratitude, I started to wonder how can I feel gratitude. Now, on my best days, I work to become gratitude.

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